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sustainable tourism
42 articles
Article 6 October 2023
Felice Diekel, Vanessa Bach and Matthias Finkbeiner
This article is part of the Special Issue Capturing the Sustainable Impact of Early-Stage Business Models.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 4, pp. 207–223
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 4, pp. 207–223
2882 Views768 Downloads2 Citations
Article 22 September 2023
Carlo Berizzi, Margherita Capotorto, Gaia Nerea Terlicher and Luca Trabattoni
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 4, pp. 185–206
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 4, pp. 185–206
1800 Views653 Downloads1 Citations
Article 7 August 2023
Karina Cagarman, Kristina Fajga and Jan Kratzer
This article is part of the Special Issue Capturing the Sustainable Impact of Early-Stage Business Models.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 171–184
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 171–184
2194 Views837 Downloads3 Citations
Article 25 July 2023
Anastasia-Alithia Seferiadis, Sarah Cummings and George Essegbey
The article considers the extent to which social entrepreneurship of young women is contributing to sustainable development in Ghana, based on field research conducted between October 2018 and April 2019. Data collection involved a review of
The article considers the extent to which social entrepreneurship of young women is contributing to sustainable development in Ghana, based on field research conducted between October 2018 and April 2019. Data collection involved a review of the literature and a questionnaire survey of actors within the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana but is primarily based on the life histories of 13 women entrepreneurs collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews. Social entrepreneurship is undergoing a boom in Ghana which is characterized as having the most entrepreneurs as a proportion of the population globally and with women outnumbering men. Critical discourse analysis was employed to highlight the potential difference between grand narratives of entrepreneurship for development—how it is supposed to work, and how it is working in practice for young women social entrepreneurs in Ghana. The life histories demonstrate that the social entrepreneurship of young women in Ghana does not appear to be contributing to sustainable development because the enterprises yielded small or non-existent economic benefits for the entrepreneurs, demonstrating the limitations of this framework in the Ghanaian context. Indeed, most of the enterprises do not go beyond the ideation stage while the fame of winning social entrepreneurship competitions is used by individuals to build social and symbolic capital for employment by the public sector and the United Nations. In this way, young women are “hacking” social entrepreneurship for their own purposes as it is one of the opportunities open to them but it does not lead to sustainable enterprises. While the social entrepreneurship sector in Ghana is booming, it appears in reality to be a survival activity for women who are subject to gender inequalities and social-cultural harassment.
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Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 157–170
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 157–170
1813 Views627 Downloads
Article 21 July 2023
Nikolaos Partarakis, Effrosini Karouzaki, Stavroula Ntoa, Anastasia Ntagianta, Emmanouil Zidianakis and Constantine Stephanidis
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 138–156
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 138–156
1905 Views551 Downloads
Article 14 June 2023
Małgorzata Polkowska
Space tourism is recreational space travel, whether by government vehicles, such as the Russian Soyuz and the International Space Station (ISS), or by vehicles built by private companies. Since the flight of the world’s first space
Space tourism is recreational space travel, whether by government vehicles, such as the Russian Soyuz and the International Space Station (ISS), or by vehicles built by private companies. Since the flight of the world’s first space tourist, American businessman Dennis Tito (28 April 2001), space tourism (orbital) has been slowly growing. Orbital space tourism is very expensive, so a number of private companies have decided to concentrate on building much cheaper suborbital vehicles, designed to take passengers to altitudes of up to 100 km. On 4 October 2004, SpaceShipOne, funded by Virgin Galactic and designed by an American engineer, won the X Prize and, in doing so, ushered in a new era of commercial crewed spaceflight and space tourism. Since then, the design and construction of suborbital spacecraft have become increasingly popular. Such ships, in principle, do not have the ability to cross the imaginary 100 km boundary and enter the Cosmos area. However, space tourists can find themselves weightless for a few minutes. In fact, not only technical but legal difficulties have caused suborbital tourism to develop at a slow pace so far. This article concentrates on some legal challenges regarding space tourism, not going into details about states’ politics and international organizations’ activities.
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Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 100–109
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 100–109
1924 Views1156 Downloads
Article 18 May 2023
Larry Dwyer
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 83–99
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 83–99
2388 Views842 Downloads5 Citations
Review 8 May 2023
Annette Toivonen
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 75–82
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 75–82
2838 Views1722 Downloads3 Citations
Article 2 May 2023
Floros Flouros
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 62–74
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 62–74
1904 Views624 Downloads
Article 13 April 2023
Thomas Krabokoukis
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 50–61
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 50–61
2413 Views638 Downloads5 Citations