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Keyword: poverty eradication
Total 2 articles
Article    27 February 2024
Afonso Delgado, Paulo Caldas and Miguel Varela
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 3 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 84–103
740 Views174 Downloads
Review    8 August 2022
Ambe J. Njoh, Ijang B. Ngyah-Etchutambe, Fri C. Soh-Agwetang, Pascar T. Tah, Mah O. Tarke and Fotoh J. Asah
This article is part of the Special Issue Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 1 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 159–170
1716 Views725 Downloads
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