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Keyword: green marketing
Total 9 articles
Article    24 June 2024
Vesela Veleva, Svetlana Todorova, Kevin Bleau, Joy Mohr and Rob Vandenabeele
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 3 (2024), Issue 3, pp. 275–293
860 Views323 Downloads
Article    7 February 2024
Tsz Hin Hui, Nadine Itani and John F. O’Connell
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 3 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 61–75
1845 Views417 Downloads2 Citations
Article    29 January 2024
Manuel Rodeiro
Environmentalists have long claimed it is unjust for the state to prioritize economic interests over environmental ones by sacrificing ecosystem integrity and functioning to unsustainably expand the economy. Recently, mainstream environmentalists have moved to a more Environmentalists have long claimed it is unjust for the state to prioritize economic interests over environmental ones by sacrificing ecosystem integrity and functioning to unsustainably expand the economy. Recently, mainstream environmentalists have moved to a more conciliatory approach highlighting the common ground between environmental and economic goals. They today claim processes of economic growth and development can be made just if they become green. This paper explores the question: should states pursue “green growth”? Although some critics claim green growth is impossible, I maintain it is. I theorize three conditions that must be met for an instance of growth to be truly considered green. That a development project is green, however, does not automatically ensure it is just. Justice considerations remain in adjudicating the competing interests of different groups of stakeholders. I then examine four reasonable approaches to resolving controversies over the pursuit of green growth: cost-benefit analysis, sufficientarianism, democracy, and pluralism. I conclude a liberal pluralist form of decision-making is best for ensuring fairness. or Access Full Article
This article is part of the Special Issue Green Economic Growth and Energy Consumption.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 3 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 33–45
979 Views267 Downloads1 Citations
Article    5 January 2024
Athanasios G. Giannopoulos and Tatiana P. Moschovou
This article is part of the Special Issue Green Economic Growth and Energy Consumption.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 3 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 16–32
1008 Views312 Downloads
Article    16 November 2023
Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh
This article is part of the Special Issue Capturing the Sustainable Impact of Early-Stage Business Models.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 4, pp. 283–302
1116 Views346 Downloads
Article    15 November 2023
Irina Di Ruocco
This article is part of the Special Issue Capturing the Sustainable Impact of Early-Stage Business Models.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 4, pp. 259–282
1121 Views369 Downloads
Article    17 June 2023
Wan-Ju Chen, Rong-Ho Lin and Chun-Ling Chuang
This article is part of the Special Issue Capturing the Sustainable Impact of Early-Stage Business Models.
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 2 (2023), Issue 2, pp. 110–137
1724 Views485 Downloads1 Citations
Article    8 September 2022
Annalisa Stacchini, Andrea Guizzardi and Michele Costa
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 1 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 202–223
3508 Views1048 Downloads3 Citations
Article    7 July 2022
Ogenis Brilhante and Julia Skinner
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 1 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 113–128
3301 Views1283 Downloads
Article    7 July 2022
Ogenis Brilhante and Julia Skinner
This paper uses the IHS Green City Conceptual Framework (IHS-GCCF) to present and discuss the development and application of a tool to measure Environmental Performance (EP) over time applied to ten Asian cities and a method This paper uses the IHS Green City Conceptual Framework (IHS-GCCF) to present and discuss the development and application of a tool to measure Environmental Performance (EP) over time applied to ten Asian cities and a method using these results to implement a Green City Action Plan (GCAP) applied to the city of Manila. The tool measures EP over time and helps to explain possible factors contributing to the variation of the EPs in the studied time. The GCAP uses the EP results to develop a green city action plan to improve the current EP for a given period. Both tool and method fulfil gaps found in the green city literature, contain innovative approaches, and help cities to measure and plan improvements in their current EP. By applying the EP tool to ten Asian cities in two periods (2007–2009 and 2015–2018), the paper shows that Singapore and Hong Kong had the highest EPs and Bangalore had the lowest. Implementation of water management and climate change strategies are some factors explaining the improvement in Hong Kong’s EP. A strong increase in population size is behind the EP reduction in Bangalore. The Manila GCAP proposes to improve the current EP of the city from 15.43 to 17.41 in twelve years. or Access Full Article
Highlights of Sustainability
Volume 1 (2022), Issue 3, pp. 113–128
3301 Views1283 Downloads
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