Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board Professor Gert Spaargaren
Professor Gert Spaargaren
Professor Emeritus
Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University, 6706 KN Wageningen, The Netherlands
Short Biography
Gert Spaargaren (prof. dr. ir, 1954) has become a guest member of the Environmental Policy Group (ENP) at WUR after his retirement. He is studying Sustainable Lifestyles and Patterns of Consumption. His main interests and publications are in the field of environmental sociology, sustainable consumption and behavior, practice theories and the globalization of environmental reform. He published over a hundred articles and edited books. His latest books are The Ecological Modernisation Reader (edited with Arthur Mol and David Sonnenfeld, 2009 Routledge), Food in a Sustainable World; Transitions in the consumption, retail and production of food (edited with Peter Oosterveer and Anne Loeber, Routledge, 2012) and Practice Theory and Research(edited with Don Weenink and Machiel Lamers, Routledge, 2016).
Research Keywords
Edited Article
Short Note 20 September 2021
Chamila Roshani Perera and Lester W. Johnson
Highlights Sustain. 2022, 1(1),
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