Krzysztof Zboinski
Krzysztof Zboinski
Professor Krzysztof Zboinski
Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
Short Biography
Prof. Krzysztof Zboinski is a full Professor at the Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. His general areas of interest are mechanical engineering and transport. His specialization is vehicle dynamics. Specific areas of research concern railway vehicles. He is an author and co-author of more than 250 publications and research elaborations. The most important and internationally known concern: modelling rail vehicle dynamics, including multibody systems, computer methods, and curved track motion; stability in a curved track; dynamics in transition curves; and simulations of vehicle dynamics in general. These publications are subject to many citations all over the world. He was a leader of the 33 collective and individual research projects and has got more than 35 years of academic experience.
Research Keywords
rail vehicle dynamics modelling (multibody systems, computer methods, and curved track motion); vehicle stability in a curved track; dynamics in transition curves; simulations of vehicle dynamics
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