Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board Dr. Carlos Parra-López
Dr. Carlos Parra-López
Senior Researcher
Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA), Department of Agrifood System Economics, Camino de Purchil S/n., 18004 Granada, Spain
Short Biography
Carlos Parra-López holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering and a PhD in Agricultural Economics and is a Senior Researcher in the Department of Agrifood System Economics of the Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA) of the Andalusian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development. He has participated in more than 30 research projects (up to May 2021). Much of his research has focused on the evaluation of the multifunctionality and sustainability of agricultural systems, the valuation of ecosystem services of agricultural systems, the evaluation and design of agricultural and environmental policies, the diffusion of technological and institutional innovations, digital transformation, the bioeconomy, the analysis of structural change, and the supply and demand of certified agri-food quality systems. Much of his work has focused on olive groves and olive oil, although he has also worked on dehesa, agro-energy crops, vines, horticulture and the dairy sector. The scientific results of his research have resulted in various publications, including 30 articles in international journals of impact, 27 articles in sectoral journals, 7 books, 8 book chapters, 20 technical papers and 100 communications at congresses. His work has been awarded several research prizes in Spain.
Research Keywords
Edited Articles
Article 26 August 2022
Stephen K. Wegren
Highlights Sustain. 2022, 1(3),
2780 Views1755 Downloads2 Citations
Short Note 2 June 2022
James A. Dyer and Raymond L. Desjardins
Highlights Sustain. 2022, 1(2),
3196 Views849 Downloads